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Photography Paris
Cour Marly of the Louvre Museum in Paris virtual tour
Virtual tour of the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel tower has become the symbol of France and its capital Paris. It was built by Gustave Eiffel and his team for the Paris Exposition of 1889. It is now a magnet for many tourists who visit the City of ... >>
Notre-Dame de Paris Gothic sits on the Ile de la Cité in the heart of Paris. An evening walk along the Seine under the bridges of Paris takes us to the Pont St-Michel in making us discover the west facade of the famous monument. The towers of ... >>
The city of Paris from the second floor of the Eiffel Tower located at 115 meters above the ground. The City of Light all lit up at night is aptly named. The northeast corner of the tower, the bridge of Jena, spanning the Seine in the foreground, ... >>
Notre-Dame de Paris, the medieval Gothic cathedral on the Ile de la Cite, where Napoleon was crowned, is the cradle of the history of Paris. It shows us 1st for his awesome "bedside" or apse "buttresses" architectural marvel in the new era!
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Effeil Tour - Magnific >>